A calm sea shines under a full moon
Showing the view
Of a peaceful beach
Amidst utopia
As a wave hurtles
Towards the shore
Threatening to engulf me
Into chaos
I wish it to stop
And it’s Motionless in an instant
Weird in my vision
I can’t be sure whether it’s reality
Or if it exists alongside my fears
I’m thankful for this gift of freezing time
To save my life
Lost in the cosmos
Then consciousness
Threatens to sweep away sleep
And throws me
Towards a bluish sea of reality
While the morning sun
Awakes my senses
As I open my eyes
I remember that frozen second
Of eternity
Thrown into uncertainty

My father died ten years ago. As a cryonicist, I have lost him twice, first to death itself and then to the tomb.
I have memories of you
Happy events of my childhood
Shrouded in fog
Dimmed by the years
As I remember you
I dissolve in tears
A proud man
Has been reduced to dust
What lies under the mud
It’s not my dad
He’s gone forever
And only lives in my mind
